Yukie Osumi

Silver Sake Bottle with Gold Spout “ Flora”

  • Metalwork
  • Presented in 2014
  • H 19.5 x W 9.5 x D 7.0 cm
  • Sold Out

Category Metalwork
Year Presented 2014
Dimensions H 19.5 x W 9.5 x D 7.0 cm
Exhibition The 43 th Metalwork Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

Living National Treasure Yukie Osumi

photo Yukie Osumi

On tankin (hammered) vessels and by applying the traditional techniques of chasing, mainly nunome-zogan (textile imprint inlay), OSUMI captures the feelings of nature with motifs of formless flowing subjects such as waves, streams, clouds, or winds. She creates vessels and utensils used in traditional culture such as flower vases, tea and calligraphy utensils; she is also aware of formations that harmonize with contemporary living space.