Living National Treasure Fumio Mae

  • Lacquerware
  • 1940 -
Fumio Mae

Producing lacquerware using the chinkin technique. Using lines and dots to express nature in the designs.

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
Councilor of the Japan Kōgei Association
The Academy of Lacquer Research
Japan Cultural Property Lacquer Association
Wajima Lacquerware Techniques Preservation Society
Status Living National Treasure (Important Intangible Cultural Property for Chinkin )
  • 1940 Born in Wajima City
  • 1963 Graduated from Kanazawa College of Art, Started studying under his father Taiho
  • 1968 Selected for the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition for the first time
  • 1999 Designated as Holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property for Chinkin
  • 2001 Received the Medal with Purple Ribbon
  • 2011 Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette
  • <Other>
    Submitted to the Lacquerware Traditional Kōgei Exhibition, Ishikawa Traditional Kōgei Exhibition, and the Contemporary Arts Exhibition

  • 1973Received the Minister of Education Award at the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 1992Received the Japan Kōgei Association President Award at the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 1993Received the Important Intangible Cultural Property Holder Selection Award
  • 1997Recceived the Important Intangible Cultural Property Holder Award at the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 1998Received the Hokkoku Cultural Award
  • 2003Received the Ishikawa TV Award

  • Tokyo National Museum
  • National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (National Crafts Museum)
  • 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
  • Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
  • Wajima Museum of Urushi Art
66 artworks posted