Minako Ito

  • Lacquerware
Minako Ito

I create my pieces based on the concept, "Borderless Lacquer Art" so that they can by used both in a Japanese or Western scene and match our modern life style. From 2021, I have also been working on two-dimensional artwork based on the themes "environmental issues" and "human rights".

Membership Associate member, Japan Kogei Association
Japan Cultural Property Lacquer Association
Research / Teaching Assistant at Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Crafts
  • 2012 Graduated from the Wajima Urushi Art Technical Training Center, Special Training Course
  • 2014 Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts, Art Course
  • 2016 Completed the Master's Degree in the Urushi Art Course at Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts
  • Research / Teaching Assistant at Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Crafts, Lacquerware Laboratory from 2020

  • 2013Received the Lacquerware Traditional Kōgei Exhibition New Artist Award at the 65th Lacquerware Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

Price Range

$ 900 - 17,000

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

6 artworks posted