Kagari Miyoshi

  • Lacquerware
  • 1954 -
Kagari Miyoshi

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
Lecturer at Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Urushi Lacquering Course
Director at the Japan Cultural Property Lacquer Association
  • 1977 Graduated from University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, Department of Philosophy
    Studied under lacquer artist Ei Sasaki
  • 1995 Japanese Studio Crafts Exhibition at Victoria & Albert Museum (London)
    Evaluator at the 52nd East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition (also in '95, '12, '19 and '22)
  • 1996 "Rainbows and Shimmering Bridges: Contemporary Japanese Lacquerware" Exhibition in New York and Denver
  • 2000 Japanese Contemporary Urushi Art Exhibition (Amsterdam)
  • 2001 Solo Exhibition "Geneology of Colored Shells" at Homma Museum of Art
  • 2004 Became emerging artist overseas trainee sent by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and stayed in London as a visiting researcher at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London and in Ravenna and Florence, Italy
  • 2006 Judge at the Kanagawa Prefectural Art Exhibition (also in '06, '16 and '22)
  • 2016 Submitted to the "Asian Lacquer Craft Exchange Progam" (also in '15, '16 and '18)
  • 2017 Invited to submit to the Mokichi Okada Award Exhibition at the MOA Museum of Art
  • 2019 "Decorative Arts in Meiji and Heisei - Crafting Beauty and Technique Across 150 Years" at the Museum of Modern Greek Culture, Athens
  • 2020 "Japanese Lacquerwork 2020" at the Kanazawa Yasue Gold Leaf Museum (Kanazawa)
    "Urushi in Harmony – Wind, Flowers and Light" Exhibition at Ginza Wako (Tokyo)

  • 1987Awarded at the 4th Lacquerware Traditional Kōgei Exhibition ('87 '08 '16)
  • 2019Received the Excellence Award (NHK Chairman Award) at the 66th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

  • National Crafts Museum
  • Victoria and Albert Museum (London)
  • Rijksmuseum(Amsterdam)
  • Homma Museum of Art
  • The Japan Foundation
  • Ise Foundation etc.
29 artworks posted