VII Ikkokusai Kinjo

  • Lacquerware
  • 1965 -
VII Ikkokusai Kinjo

Light, wind, water

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
Holder of Intangible Cultural Property of Hiroshima for "Ikkokusai Takamorie"
Secretary General of the Japan Kōgei Association Chūgoku Branch
Director of the Japan Kōgei Association
  • 1965 Born in Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
  • 1983 Entered the Kagawa Urushi Lacquerware Institute
  • 1988 Completed training as researcher at the Kagawa Urushi Lacquerware Institute
  • 1991 Succeeded to the name "7th Generation Ikkokusai Kinjo"
  • 1992 Selected for the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition for the first time
  • 1993 Shikishi Box presented to the Emperor and Empress on their wedding from Hiroshima Prefecture
  • 1995 Becomes Full Member of the Japan Kōgei Association
  • 2004 Received the Hiroshima Cultural Award
  • 2006 Received the Hiroshima Citizen Award
  • 2011 Designated as Holder of Intangible Cultural Property of Hiroshima "Ikkokusai Takamorie" Techniques
  • 2019 Evaluator at the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2020 Evaluator at the Lacquerware Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2021 Received the Regional Cultural Merits Award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  • 2022 Appointed as Secretary General of the Japan Kōgei Association Chūgoku Branch
    Appointed as Director of the Japan Kōgei Association

  • 2004Received the POLA Traditional Culture Award Incentive Award
  • 2005Received the Japan Kogei Association Incentive Award at the 52nd Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2007Received the Energia Art Award from the Energia Culture and Sports Foundation
  • 2013Recieved the Toyo Kaneshige Award at the 56th Chūgoku Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2018Received the Asahi Shimbun Award at the 65th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

  • Fukuyama Museum of Art
  • The Museum of Fragrance, Iwata
  • Hiroshima Joakuin University
  • Ise Foundation
  • Imperial Household Agency

Price Range

¥ 300,000 - 3,000,000

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

15 artworks posted