Chizuru Kon

  • Lacquerware
  • 1978 -
Chizuru Kon

Expressing scenes and feelings using chinkin (gold inlaid in engravements on the lacquerware surface) and other inlaying techniques.

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
  • 1978 Born in Akita City
  • 1999 Graduated from Akita Municipal Junior College of Art and Craft, Department of Craft Art
  • 2000 Completed the Craft Art Major Course of Akita Municipal Junior College of Art and Craft
  • 2003 Graduated from the Wajima Urushi Art Technical Training Center, Special Course
  • 2006 Graduated from the Wajima Urushi Art Technical Training Center, Chinkin Course
  • 2009 Graduated from the Wajima Urushi Art Technical Training Center, Lacquering Course

  • Received the Japan Kogei Association Award at the 56th East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
6 artworks posted