Keiji Tanaka

  • Lacquerware
  • 1956 -
Keiji Tanaka

TANAKA is pursuing the choshitsu kinma technique with its 3D effects, in which a line engraved kinma* pattern is crossed with a choshitsu** pitch-black ripple pattern to express depth and give an impression of transparency.
*Incised and color-filled decoration
**Carved lacquer

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
Tanaka Urushi Studio
  • 1956 Born in Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture
  • 1994 Completed the Researcher Course at the Urushi Lacquer Ware Institute

  • 2007Received the Japan Kogei Association at the 50th Anniversary Japan Kogei Association Chugoku Branch Exhibition
5 artworks posted