Chiaki Yamamoto

  • Textiles
  • 1953 -
Chiaki Yamamoto

Mainly producing kimono of tsumugi with kasuri. I make many kimonos with "kasuri lattice patterns", which are a combination of double kasuri and lattice patterns, and "kasuri stripes", which are patterns with warp kasuri within warp stripes.

Membership Associate member, Japan Kogei Association
  • 1953 Born in Akita Prefecture
  • 2000 Graduated from Otsuka Textile Design Technical School, Textile Dyeing Department (current Waseda International Business College Textile Design Course)
  • 2002 Selected for the East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition for the first time
  • 2008 Selected for the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition for the first time

  • 2002Received the Mitsukoshi Award at the 42nd East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2005Received the East Japan Branch Award at the 45th East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2017Received the Iwate Governor Award at the 57th East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2022Received the Kawatoku Award at the 62nd East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
8 artworks posted