Rina Kawai

  • Metalwork
  • 1989 -
Rina Kawai

Membership Associate member, Japan Kogei Association
  • 1989 Born in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture
  • 2008 Entered Nagaoka Institute of Design, Department of Design
  • 2012 Graduated from Nagaoka Institute of Design, Department of Design
    Entered Nagaoka Institute of Design Graduate School, Master’s Course, Yasushi Kanno Laboratory
  • 2013 Submitted to and selected for the first time at the 8th Traditional Crafts in Niigata Exhibition (selected consecutively from this year onward)
  • 2014 Graduated from Nagaoka Institute of Design Graduate School, Master’s Course, Yasushi Kanno Laboratory (mokumegane (wood grain metal) and haut-relief)
    SELECT 13 Exhibition at AC Gallery (Ginza, Tokyo)
    Submitted to and selected for the first time at the 43rd Metalwork Traditional Kōgei Exhibition, selected consecutively from this year onward
    Submitted to the X Exhibition V at the Niigata City Art Museum Gallery (Niigata)
    Studied box production and nunome zōgan (metal overlay) under metal engraver and Full Member of the Japan Kōgei Association, Masami Ichikawa
  • 2015 Submitted to the X Exhibition VI at Gallery Yumu (Niigata)
    Submitted to and selected for the first time at the 56th East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition (selected consecutively from this year onward)
  • 2016 Becomes member of the Japan Kōgei Association East Japan Branch, Niigata Study Group
    Submitted to the Japan Kōgei Association East Japan Branch Niigata Study Group Members Exhibition "Traditional Kōgei Techniques and Beauty of Niigata" at Niigata Mitsukoshi (Niigata) (2016 – 2019)
    Submitted to the Japan Kōgei Association East Japan Branch Niigata Study Group Members Exhibition "Traditional Crafts in Niigata Exhibition" (2016 – 2020)
  • 2017 Submitted to and selected for the first time at the 46th Metalwork Traditional Kōgei Exhibition (selected consecutively from this year onward)
  • 2018 Article about his works as an artist published in newspaper Niigata Nippo
    Article published in Nagaoka's information magazine "My Skip"
    Submitted to the X Exhibition IX at Maison de Tabinosoraya (Nagaoka, Niigata)
  • 2019 Name listed in "Record of Tsubame's Metal Engravers" in the Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum
    Article published in "NID Graduates Job Note 5" of Nagaoka Institute of Design
    Submitted to the 3rd Nagaoka Collaboration of Photos and Crafts Exhibition at the Nagaoka City Central Library 2F Gallery
  • 2020 Artwork adopted as a return gift for the Nagaoka City hometown tax donation program (Furusato Choice)
    Submitted to the 4th Nagaoka Collaboration of Photos and Crafts Exhibition at the Nagaoka City Central Library 2F Gallery
    Took part in Cultural Property Preservation Techniques Training Course for "patination" as a part of the National Treasure and Cultural Property Preservation Program for 2020
  • 2021 Submitted to the Japan Kōgei Association East Japan Branch Niigata Study Group Members Exhibition "Traditional Kōgei Techniques and Beauty of Niigata" at Niigata Isetan (Niigata) (2021 – )
    Took part in Cultural Property Preservation Techniques Training Course for "patination" as a part of the National Treasure and Cultural Property Preservation Program for 2021
    Submitted to the "KOGEI 2021 Exhibition" at Setsuryosha Museum of Art (Niigata)
  • 2022 Submitted to the "Excellent Artworks of Artists in Niigata" Exhibition at the "Echigo Grand Tea Ceremony in Aore Nagaoka"
    Submitted to the 6th Nagaoka Collaboration of Photos and Crafts Exhibition at the Nagaoka City Central Library 2F Gallery
    Submitted to and selected for the first time at the 69th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
    Becomes Associate Member of the Japan Kōgei Association and Associate Member of the Japan Kōgei Association Metalwork Department
    Took part in Cultural Property Preservation Techniques Training Course for "patination" as a part of the National Treasure and Cultural Property Preservation Program for 2022
    Took part in the training program for metalwork techniques (casting and forging) held as part of the "training program for the next generation" by the Japan Kōgei Association utilizing the cloud funding donations for 2022
  • 2023 Article about the 69th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition and works published on article "Focus on NID Graduates" on the Nagaoka Institute of Design website and social media
    Submitted to the "Small Items in Life Made by Metalwork Artists of the Japan Kōgei Association – Crafts and Accessories" held at Sapporo Mitsukoshi
    Selected for the 70th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
    Completed first year of training for "metal engraving" at the Important Intangible Cultural Property Successor's Technical Training Program for 2023 – 2024 by Morihito Katsura, Holder of Important Intangible Cultural Property for "metal engraving"
    Trained at the Metalwork Department Takaoka Study Group as a part of the Cultural Properties Training Program for 2023 held by the Agency for Cultural Affairs
    Submitted to the Japan Kōgei Association East Japan Branch Niigata Study Group Members Exhibition " 1st Traditional Crafts in Niigata Exhibition" (2023 –)
    Took part in Cultural Property Preservation Techniques Training Course for "patination" as a part of the National Treasure and Cultural Property Preservation Program for 2023
    Took part in the training program for "forming stake" held as part of the "training program for the next generation" by the Japan Kōgei Association utilizing the cloud funding donations for 2023

  • 2012Received the Incentive Award at the 51st Nagaoka City Art Exhibition
  • 2013Received the Incentive Award at the 52nd Nagaoka City Art Exhibition
  • 2015Received the Incentive Award at the 10th Traditional Crafts in Niigata Exhibition
  • 2019Received the Incentive Award at the 59th East Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2024Received the New Artist Award at the 52nd Metalwork Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
2 artworks posted