Tomoko Yokoyama

  • Ceramics
  • 1976 -
Tomoko Yokoyama

Membership Research member, Japan Kogei Association
Member of the Japan Kōgei Association Chugoku Branch
Member of the Bizen Ware Tooukai Sakura
  • 2001 Graduated from Nara University of Education Graduate School, Master's Program in Fine Arts Education
    Studied under Munetaka Wakita at University
    Studied under Kazuya Hashimoto at Bizen, Okayama
  • 2019 First solo exhibition at Kintetsu Department Store, Nara

  • 2005Received the Incentive Award at the Okayama Prefectural Art Exhibition (awarded 3 times from this year onward)
  • 2014Received the Okayama City Mayor Award at the Okayama Prefectural Art Exhibition
  • 2018Received the TV Setouchi Broadcasting Award at the Chūgoku Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
    Received the Nicholas Usherwood Award at "Discover the One Japanese Art 2018 in London"
2 artworks posted