Tesshin Fujii

  • Glasswork
  • 1956 -
Tesshin Fujii

Producing glass art with Awa indigo color of his hometown Tokushima. Using techniques such as lace glass used in Venetian glass.

Membership Associate member, Japan Kogei Association
Studio Senshukan Glass Studio
  • 1956 Born in Tokushima Prefecture
  • 1989 Learned blown glass at Notojima Glass Studio
  • 1990 Took part in the Niijima International Glass Art Festival
    Learned from Dante Marioni, Ruth King and William Morris etc. (– 1997)
  • 2004 Selected for the The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa
  • 2008 Selected for the 55th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2015 Selected for the Glass in Japan Exhibition
  • <Other Selections>
    Asahi Modern Craft Exhibition, Japanese Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition, The Japan Crafts Exhibition, Beer Mug Rankai, Fugaku Biennale Exhibition etc.
  • <Solo Exhibitions>
    Various places such as Sogo Tokushima Store, Daimaru Shinsaibashi Store, Daimaru Kyoto Store etc.

  • 1994Received the Incentive Award at the Tanko Biennale Tea Ceremony Art Exhibition
  • 2002Received the Incentive Award at the Craft Competition in Takaoka (also in 2006)
  • 2005Received the 60th Anniversary Award at the 60 Tokushima Prefectural Art Exhibition
  • 2014Received the Ryohei Miyata Judge's Award at the 22nd Tableware Grand Prix
  • 2018Received the Jun Fujita Judge's Award at the 26th Tableware Grand Prix
  • 2021Received the Japan Kōgei Association Award at the 64th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

  • Midorigaoka Art Museum

Senshukan Glass Studio

Address 139 Kamojimachokirai, Yoshinogawa, Tokushima Map
8 artworks posted