Masashi Miyajima

  • Ceramics
  • 1953 -
Masashi Miyajima

Pottery made by hand-building: potter's clay, colored clay, inlay, colored glaze

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
Associate of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (Nitten)
Member of the Ceramic Art Society of Japan
  • 1953 Born in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture
  • Selected for the following:
    Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition 6 times (traditional 4 times, free design twice)
    Asahi Asahi Ceramic Art Exhibition 3 times
    Chozasho Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition 8 times (10 pieces)
    Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition 4 times
    Tobiten 9 times (awarded once)
    Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (Nitten) 12 times
    Kasama Ceramic Award Exhibition once
    Kikuchi Biennale once (Musee Tomo)
    "Exhibition of Tea Ceremony Today - Utility and Form" once (Musee Tomo)
    Issuikai Ceramics Exhibition once
    International Ceramics Festival Mino, International Ceramics Competition twice (Ceramics Park Mino)
    Kobe Biennale Contemporary Ceramic Arts Competition once (Museum of Ceramic Art, Hyogo)
    Kogei World Competition in Kanazawa once (21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa)
    The Hagi Taisho (Grand Prix) of Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition 4 times (Hagi Uragami Museum)
    Northern Confectionery Vessel Exhibition 3 times
    ITAMI International Craft Exhibition (Shuki / Shuhaidai) once
    Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony (8 times)
    Asahi Modern Craft Exhibition once
    Arita International Ceramics Competition (Kyushu-Yamaguchi Ceramics Exhibition) 5 times
    Nihon Shinkogei Exhibition 8 times (submitted as member 5 times)

  • 1996Received the Incentive Award at the 7th Northern Confectionery Vessel Exhibition
  • 1997Received the Gold Award, Silver Award and other awards 4 times at the Hokkaido Kōgei Exhibition(-2002)
  • 2000Received the Brewery Award at the 6th Sake Vessels Exhibition (Ehime)
  • 2001Received the Ueno Royal Museum Award at the 23rd Nihon Shinkogei Exhibition
  • 2003Received the Nihon Shinkogei Award at the 25th Nihon Shinkogei Exhibition
  • 2009Received the Choza Award at the 29th Chozasho Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition (Traditional category)
  • 2010Received the Honorable Mention Award at the Hagi Taisho (Grand Prix) of Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition II (Hagi Uragami Museum)
  • 2013Received the TOKI Oribe Excellence Award at the 6th Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramics for the Tea Ceremony
  • 2014Received the Honorable Mention Award at the Hagi Taisho (Grand Prix) of Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition III (Hagi Uragami Museum)
    Received the Gold Award at the 20th Mino Tougei Shoroku Chawan Competition
  • 2016Received the Yomiuri Shimbun Award at the 113th Arita International Ceramics Competition
  • 2018Received the Mino Chawan Grand Award at the 23rd Mino Chawan Exhibition (former Mino Tougei Shoroku Chawan Competition)
  • 2019Received the Honorable Mention Award at the Hagi Taisho (Grand Prix) of Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition V (Hagi Uragami Museum)
  • 2021Received the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Award at the 117th Arita International Ceramics Competition
  • 2022Received the Incentive Award at the 9th Tobiten
    Received the Saga Ceramic Art Association Award at the 118th Arita International Ceramics Competition

  • Toshin Mino Ceramic Art Museum
  • Otaki Craft Museum (Hokkaido)
17 artworks posted