Hiroko Kanezaki

  • Textiles
  • 1961 -
Hiroko Kanezaki

Kimono of tsumugi with kasuri
Being moved by pictorial kasuri where the dyed yarn is woven into pictorial patterns, I have been making kimonos with pictorial kasuri. I try to express the beauties of nature in the different seasons and our feelings in daily life with the colors and patterns and weave them into kimonos, our traditional clothing that Japanese people cherish.

Hand-spun Kokura-ori obi
Weaving two-ply yarn made of hand spun cotton yarn. Being charmed by the beauty and power of yarn while spinning, I wanted to express the charms of the yarn in my textiles. I think about our ancestors that spun yarn and wove textiles as I work on my artwork.

Membership Research member, Japan Kogei Association
  • 2009 Studied dyeing and weaving in Fukuoka City, Yame, and Kyoto
    Became interested in kasuri while studying and started making kasuri textiles for kimonos
  • 2010 Took on and carried on the techniques of Kokura-ori and created textiles at Buzen-Kokuraori Study Group (up to 2020)
  • Currently making kasuri textiles for kimonos and hand spun Kokura-ori obi.

  • Received the Kita Kyushu City Mayor Award for Hand Spun Kokura-ori Obi "Hanayagino Toki (Time for Brilliance)"at the 75th Fukuoka Prefectural Art Exhibition (Craft category)

Price Range

$ 1,000 - 3,000

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

11 artworks posted