Tomohisa Kumagai

  • Ceramics
  • 1969 -
Tomohisa Kumagai

I make Kosihiwara ware, a Japanese traditional craft, in an area among the mountains in Fukuoka Prefecture,Toho Village, Asakura County.
While following the traditional techniques of our ancestors, I try to make artwork that match our modern lifestyle using new techniques.
I try to add some gorgeousness and modernness by using colors, and add some lightness, sharpness and a sense of tension with the traditional tobikanna patterns (continuous cuts made on the surface using the tip of a small spatula) and engraved lines.
I hope people will enjoy my artwork from various angles.

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
Member of the Fukuoka Prefecture Art Society
Ikenobo Ikebana Professor
  • Graduated from Musashino Art University (Oil Painting major)
    Selected for the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition several times
    Selected for the Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition several times
    Selected for and awarded at the West Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition several times
    Selected for and awarded at the West Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition several times
    Selected for and awarded at the Kyushu-Yamaguchi Ceramics Exhibition (current Arita International Ceramics Competition) several times

  • Received the Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Director General Award (Top Award) at the Traditional Craft Exhibition of Fukuoka
    Received the Grand Award (Top Award) at the Koishiwara ware Traditional Craft Exhibition
    Received the Fukuoka Governor Award (Top Award) at the Fukuoka Prefectural Art Exhibition
    Other various awards

Price Range

¥ 100,000 - 500,000

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

9 artworks posted