Hirokado Hotta

  • Wood and Bamboo
  • 1948 -
Hirokado Hotta

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
  • 1948 Born in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture
  • 2005 Studied under bamboo work artist Ryosei Fukunishi
    Studied under bamboo work artist Takashi Ueno
  • 2009 Selected for the Tōkai Traditional Kōgei Exhibition for the first time (selected 15 times from this year onward)
  • 2010 Selected for the Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition for the first time (selected 6 times from this year onward)
  • 2017 Becomes Full Member of the Japan Kōgei Association

  • 2011Received the Tōkai Traditional Kōgei Exhibition Award at the 42nd Tōkai Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
  • 2021Received the Japan Kōgei Association Award at the 18th Wood and Bamboo Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
16 artworks posted