Kimiko Murakami

  • Textiles
  • 1948 -
Kimiko Murakami

Anil indigo dyed textile "Iyo Kasuri"
Mainly designing cotton kasuri and pictorial kasuri textiles

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
  • 1989 Artificial art flower instructor (– March 2008)
  • 2004 Studied under Iyo Kasuri textile dyeing artist Nobutoshi Shirakata
  • 2011 Becomes independent
  • 2021 Becomes Full Member of the Japan Kogei Association

  • 2011Received the Sanyo Shimbun Award at the 45th Textiles Traditional Kōgei Exhibition for Iyo Tsumugi Kimono "The Time of Light Breeze"

Price Range

$ 3,000 - 7,000

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

3 artworks posted