Miho Norimatsu

  • Ceramics
  • 1987 -
Miho Norimatsu

Expressing the traditional scarlet fire marks of Bizenyaki in modern styles and arrangements.

Membership Research member, Japan Kogei Association
Member of the Bizen Touyuukai
Member of the Bigeikai
  • 1987 Born in Inbe, Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture
    Grandfather NORIMATSU Shunko, Father Kenko
  • 2010 Completed Ceramic Artist Training Course at Bizen Tougei Center
  • 2013 Starts producing ceramics
  • 2015 Selected for the Okayama Prefectural Art Exhibition (selected 3 times from this year onward)
  • 2016 Selected for the Chūgoku Traditional Kōgei Exhibition (selected 5 times from this year onward)
  • 2020 Received the Japan Ceramics Society Incentive Award, Chūgoku / Shikoku Area
3 artworks posted