Taku Harada

  • Textiles
  • 1985 -
Taku Harada

I want to make classic and modern pieces with Edo-toki patterns* drawn with pigments and icchinzome** using yuzen hand-painting techniques.

* Patterns of plants and flowers drawn in the late Edo period mainly used for womens' formal kimonos
** A dyeing technique using a mixture of flour and hydrated lime as resist dye. After dyeing, the resist dye is not washed, and cracks appear when dried, adding some characteristics to the textile.

Membership Research member, Japan Kogei Association
  • 2010 Graduated from Otsuka Kimono Textile Technical School (current Waseda International Business College Textile Design Course)
  • 2012 Studied under Fuyuhiko KINOSHITA
  • 2018 Becomes independent in Kyoto
  • 2021 Selected for the 55th Textiles Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

Price Range

$ 1,000 - 4,000

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

1 artwork posted