Yusuke Miyazaki

  • Ceramics
  • 1954 -
Yusuke Miyazaki

Membership Full member, Japan Kogei Association
Director, Saga Ceramic Art Association
  • 1954 Born in Ureshino Town, Saga Prefecture
  • 1974 Selected for the 21st Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition. Selected 24 times to date
  • 1975 Selected for the 4th Japanese Ceramic Arts Exhibition. Selected 6 times to date
  • 1976 Specially invited to submit to the Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Arts Exhibition
    (Australia, New Zealand)
  • 1978 Full member of the Japan Kogei Association at 24
  • 1981 Research trip (Dunhuang, Datong, Luoyang, Xi’an)
    Trips to Guilin, Pakistan, Morocco and Turkey to date
  • 2000 His work was exhibited and collected by the British Museum
    Appeared on the “Seeking Ceramic Art – Enchanted by the Silk Road”, Saga Television Station
  • 2002 China-Japan-South Korea Ceramics Exhibition (Taiwan)
  • 2009 “Crafts and Arts of Today – Tradition and Creation” Exhibition (Kyushu National Museum)
  • Solo exhibitions nationwide, including Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka

    Full member, Japan Kogei Association
    Director at the Saga Ceramic Art Association

  • 1974Received the Okinawa Times Award at the West Japan Arts and Crafts Exhibition
  • 1976Received the Incentive Award at the West Japan Arts and Crafts Exhibition
  • 1981Received the Governor’s Award at the 1st Western Japan Ceramic Exhibition
7 artworks posted