IV Hyoetsu Miki

Dried Lacquer Kirisabi Round Box "Water Clears"

  • Lacquerware
  • Presented in 2023
  • H 9.7 / ø 26.0 cm
  • Contact for Price

Category Lacquerware
Year Presented 2023
Dimensions H 9.7 / ø 26.0 cm
Exhibition The 52nd Kinki Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

  • Dry lacquer

    For works of dry lacquer (kanshitsu), first a clay form is created and plaster is used to take a mold of the form. Next, repeated layers of hemp cloth and lacquer are applied to the mold until they are built up to the desired thickness. Finally, the mold is removed and additional coats of lacquer are applied to finish the piece. The hemp fibers are strengthened when the lacquer bonds with them, making dry lacquer an excellent technique for creating sturdy forms with a significant degree of freedom.

IV Hyoetsu Miki

photo IV Hyoetsu Miki

Mainly producing lacquerware with wavy surfaces and those that are glossy. While respecting the traditional methods, techniques and material, I try to have an open mind and try to adopt things that I myself think would be good for the artwork.