Kaori Izumi

Tea Ceremony Fresh Water Jar of Glass “Bamboo in the Wind”

  • Glasswork
  • Presented in 2022
  • H 19.0 / ø 14.5 cm
  • $4,293

    The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

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      according to today's currency rate
    • *
      shipping fees not included

I made this using the lace glass technique, which is one of the techniques for making Venetian glass.
Lace glass rods are made by combining a number of molten colored glass canes and crossing them, placing one upon the other, and twisting several times while stretching.
The molten lace glass rods are then wrapped around the tip of the stainless blowpipe, and air is blown into the pipe to form the shape.
The delicate lines in the glass resemble woven patterns of fabric.
The cuts in the glass over the curves and sharp form of the vessel reflect the light, making the vessel sparkle.

Category Glasswork
Year Presented 2022
Dimensions H 19.0 / ø 14.5 cm
Exhibition The 69th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

  • Kiriko cut glass

    Kiriko cut glass is made by using rotating grinders or diamond wheels to cut geometric patterns and curves into the surface of finished glass vessels. The patterns are evened and finished with fine polishing stones. Edo kiriko and Satsuma kiriko are especially famous.