Sayoko Matsueda

Kimono of Kurume Kasuri "Flower Wreath"

  • Textiles
  • Presented in 2022
  • Not for Sale

Category Textiles
Year Presented 2022
Exhibition The 56th Textiles Traditional Kōgei Exhibition
Awards Nikkei Inc Award

  • Kurume kasuri

    Kurume kasuri is a type of ikat woven fabric produced near Kurume in Fukuoka prefecture. An artisan first creates a fabric design and then resist-dyes bundles of threads, tying them in special arrangements (kasuri kukuri) to create white-reserve patterns on the dyed thread. The individual threads are then woven together to create the final design, producing motifs with characteristically blurry edges. Kurume kasuri is a nationally designated Important Intangible Cultural Property.