Twelve-sided Makie Box "Soaring Aurora"

H 12.2 x W 27.2 x D 27.2 cm,Year.2022
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  • according to today's currency rate
  • shipping fees not included
  • Lacquerware
  • Price Range $3,000 - 29,000

    The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

  • Awards at Japan Kōgei Assoc. Exhibitions : 4

I create my artwork with lacquer, gold, powder, mother-of-pearl, using various makie techniques. Many new types of lacquer and pigments are being developed these days. I try to use these new materials and techniques within the traditional artwork, as I believe this will create a new tradition. With traditional lacquerware at the base, I want to try various motifs and themes to produce artwork that create a special little world or atmosphere.

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photo Twelve-sided Makie Box "Soaring Aurora"
Twelve-sided Makie Box "Soaring Aurora" Keiji Onihira
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