Kayo Takahashi

Small box of rantai with design in zonsei. “Young green leaves”

  • Lacquerware
  • Presented in 2020
  • H 11.0 x W 10.5 x D 10.5 cm
  • Not for Sale

Category Lacquerware
Year Presented 2020
Dimensions H 11.0 x W 10.5 x D 10.5 cm
Exhibition The 67th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

  • Lacquered bamboo

    Bamboo is ideal for weaving various forms. The bamboo is split into thin strips, peeled, and coated with multiple layers of lacquer. Pieces of basketry made from lacquered bamboo (known as rantai) are lightweight and durable.

  • Zonsei

    In zonsei lacquerwork, the outlines of colored motifs are engraved to produce additional decorative effects. Typically, one of two techniques is used. In the first, the artisan applies the motifs in colored lacquer before using a carving tool called a zonsei ken to incise the outlines of the design or add decorative line engravings. In the second, the artisan creates motifs using the kinma technique, which are then outlined or engraved in the same fashion. Zonsei, like carved lacquer (chōshitsu) and kinma, is a technique associated primarily with Takamatsu in Kagawa prefecture.

Kayo Takahashi

photo Kayo Takahashi

Making pieces using kinma and zonsei, which are techniques where layers of lacquer are applied, patterns are carved with a knife, filled with color lacquer, and finally polished. Mainly using plants for the designs, expressing them with delicate lines and color lacquer.