Chihiro Onuma

Flower vessel made in heat welding method.

  • Metalwork
  • Presented in 2016
  • H 24.0 / ø 17.0 cm
  • Contact for Price

Category Metalwork
Year Presented 2016
Dimensions H 24.0 / ø 17.0 cm
Exhibition The 63th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

  • Hard soldering

    Hard soldering (hagiawase) is a technique used join together different types of metal sheet. The technique makes it possible to create metalwork with striped or patchwork patterns. Once joined, the artisan may continue to shape the metal with a hammer.

Chihiro Onuma

photo Chihiro Onuma

Using things in nature and scenery such as the flow of rivers, waves and plants, as well as geometric patterns for designs.