Kanshitsu covered circular vessel with design in mother-of-pearl inlay. “Floating”
H 9.5 x W 23.5 x D 23.5 cm,Year.2014Norio Matsuda
1951 -- Lacquerware
- Price Range Please Inquire
- Awards at Japan Kōgei Assoc. Exhibitions : 3
DimensionsH 9.5 x W 23.5 x D 23.5 cm
Year of creation2014
Dry lacquer
For works of dry lacquer (kanshitsu), first a clay form is created and plaster is used to take a mold of the form. Next, repeated layers of hemp cloth and lacquer are applied to the mold until they are built up to the desired thickness. Finally, the mold is removed and additional coats of lacquer are applied to finish the piece. The hemp fibers are strengthened when the lacquer bonds with them, making dry lacquer an excellent technique for creating sturdy forms with a significant degree of freedom.
Mother-of-pearl inlay (Raden)
Mother-of-pearl inlay (Raden) is a decorative technique that uses the iridescent inner layer of abalone shell, turban shell, pearl oyster shell, or other mollusk shells. The technique came to Japan from China 1,300 years ago, and pieces featuring mother-of-pearl inlay are included among the artifacts at the Shōsōin Repository in Nara.
- The 61th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition (2014)
- Selected