Tensei Sakai

Food vessel made in heat welding method with inlay decoration. “Heavenly sound”

  • Metalwork
  • Presented in 2013
  • H 15.0 x W 38.0 x D 28.5 cm
  • $12,163

    The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

    • *
      according to today's currency rate
    • *
      shipping fees not included

Category Metalwork
Year Presented 2013
Dimensions H 15.0 x W 38.0 x D 28.5 cm
Exhibition The 60th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition

Tensei Sakai

photo Tensei Sakai

My works are formed by the tsuiki hammering and joining techniques, and decorated by applying the Kaga zogan (inlay) techniques on a black color base; the late MASUDA Mitsuo, my teacher, gave me the following advice, “Keep your passion for poetry and devote yourself to your craft.” I always keep his words in mind, as I pursue the Silk Road series and capture the vitality of nature.