Coffer of Elm Wood with Design in Marquetry

H 15.4 x W 13.6 x D 31.0 cm,Year.2023

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

  • according to today's currency rate
  • shipping fees not included
  • Wood and Bamboo
  • Price Range $600 - 9,000

    The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.

  • Awards at Japan Kōgei Assoc. Exhibitions : 2

When I was a child, I saw a wood engraving and was impressed and amazed by the beauty of the wood grains. Since then, I have been devoted to making things with wood. I consider the natural colors that the wood has, the wood grains, and how to balance them when working with wood. I give maximum effort to use the wood grains so that the patterns look three-dimensional when viewed from different angles.

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photo Coffer of Elm Wood with Design in Marquetry
Coffer of Elm Wood with Design in Marquetry Akio Shimada

The prices of the artworks on Gallery Japan are determined by the artists themselves and are published directly on the website.